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| Privacy Policy

1. Personal information protection system

At Dan PLUS, we have appointed a Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) to build and maintain a system for the appropriate protection of personal information, and to ensure that all staff members are fully committed to the protection of personal information. We will formulate a compliance program for this purpose and continuously implement and improve it.

2. Safe management of personal information

In all processes of acquisition, use, storage and disposal, we will manage personal information safely and thoroughly prevent information leaks and unauthorized access to information.

3. Clarification of purpose of use

When acquiring personal information, we will clarify the purpose of use and the scope of users, etc., and notify or announce this to our customers or business partners. We do not use personal information beyond

Four. Provision to third parties and management of subcontractors

As a general rule, we do not disclose or provide personal information to third parties. However, in the following cases, personal information may be disclosed or provided to third parties exceptionally. In this case, the third party will be obliged to handle personal information appropriately in the same manner as Dan Plus.

  1. When the prior consent of the customer or business partner is obtained

  2. When entrusting the handling of personal information to a company, etc. that has concluded a confidentiality agreement with Dan PLUS to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use of Dan PLUS

  3. When personal information is jointly used with a specific company, etc., and when the fact and the purpose of use, etc. have been notified or announced in advance

  4. When disclosure or provision to a third party is required by laws and regulations

  5. When requested by a national agency or other public agency to disclose or provide personal information in order to avoid danger to the life, body or property of customers, business partners or third parties

Five. Response to inquiries, requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc.

In the event that a customer or business partner makes an inquiry regarding the handling of their own personal information or a request for its disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., the inquiry or request shall be directed to the customer or business partner. After confirming that the request was made by you, we will respond appropriately and promptly.

Representative of Tan Plus Co., Ltd.

​暖PLUS |暖炉・特注サウナ設計施工,暖炉,サウナ,薪ストーブ,ケロサウナ,高級,モダン,最高級,別荘,海外,海外暖炉,本物サウナ,ニコライバーグマン,ELLEDECO10月号,暖,だんぷらす,ダンプラス,DAN PLUS,関西,東京,西宮,軽井沢,八ヶ岳,北海道,ニセコ,別荘地,SAUNA,FOCUS,metalfire,フォーカス,メタルファイヤー,ベルギー暖炉,フランス暖炉,有名人暖炉,DAN+,暖+,dan+,DAN+RO 
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